A blue dessert spoon by Colorina -series, Hackman, Nanny Still. Good condition.
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Colorina fork with green handle. Designed by Nanny Still. Good condition.
Colorina fork orange colour. Designed by Nanny Still. Mint.
Red fork by Colorina -series, Hackman, Nanny Still. Good condition.
Colorina spoon with orange handle, Hackman, Nanny Still. Good condition.
Red spoon by Colorina -series, Hackman, Nanny Still. Good condition.
Lähes uudenveroinen Hackmannin Elegia-sarjan 24-osainen aterinsetti, design Ahti Majuri. Sisältö: 6 ruokahaarukkaa, 6 ruokaveistä, 6 ruokalusikkaa ja 6 kahvilusikkaa.
Knife by Elegia -series, Hackman, Ahti Majuri. Mint.
Uudenveroinen Hackmannin Elegia -sarjan ruokahaarukka, design Ahti Majuri.
White spoon by Festivo -series, Hackman. Good condition.
Two Flirt forks, Hackman. New.
Three Flirt dinnerspoon, Hackman. Good condition.
Uudenveroinen Hackmannin Fürst -tehtaan Memory -sarjan aterinlaatikko. Sisältö: 6 ruokahaarukkaa, -veistä ja -lusikkaa sekä 6 kahvilusikkaa. Laatikko on saanut säilytyksessä käytön jälkiä kanteen.
Fork of Memory -series, Hackman. Mint.
Knife of Memory -series, Hackman Fürst. Near mint.
Memory spoon for starter or dessert by Hackman. Mint.
Tablespoon of Memory -series, Hackman Fürst. Near mint.
Swing cutlery set by Hackman. New.
New, unused Swing caker server by Hackman.
New, unused Swing dessert/serving set by Hackman.
New, unused Swing set, fish fork and knife, by Hackman.
Hackman Swing tablespoon. Good used condition.
New, unused Swing tablespoon by Hackman.
Near mint knife by Tuulia -series, Hackman.
A knife by Tuulia -series, Hackman. Near mint.
Near mint tablespoon by Tuulia -series, Hackman.
A spoon by Kaleva -series, Hackman 1976-1977, Nanny Still. Mint.
Butter knife by Lion de Luxe -series, Hackman, Bertel Gardberg. New, unused.
Lion de Luxe coffee spoon, Hackman, Bertel Gardberg. New, unused.
Dessert spoon with rosewood handle by Lion de Luxe -series, Hackman, Bertel Gardberg. Good condition.
Fork with rosewood handle by Lion de Luxe -series, Hackman, Bertel Gardberg. Good condition.
Knife by Lion de Luxe -series, Hackman, Bertel Gardberg. Good condition.
Lion de Luxe tablespoon, Hackman, Bertel Gardberg. Good condition.
Mango fork, Iittala, Nanny Still. Good condition.
Spin coffee spoon 2 pcs by Ristomatti Ratia. New, unused.
Matt Spin fork by Ristomatti Ratia and Davide Lamparelli. Good condition.
Spin fork and knife by Ristomatti Ratia. N.I.B.
Matt Spin knife by Ristomatti Ratia and Davide Lamparelli. Good condition.